Gourmet pljeskavica

Pljeskavica is a complicated dish to make. It has a similar shape to a hamburger and uses minced meat but that's where the similarities end. Pljeskavica contains more fat than a burger and has a different texture. Hot pepper and onion are also a must in every pljeskavica, and the gourmet version adds bacon, cheese and powdered paprika to the mix. The most important part in making this dish is the meat because without proper meat, even if the proper recipe is used the results won't be satisfactory. The ideal meat mix is 60% beef, 30% pork and 10% lard. Pljeskavica is best eaten with baked beans, somun (a type of bun) and young kajmak (sour cream).

Prep time: 2 days
Cooking time: 20 mins
Portions: 2

400g minced beef chuck
200g minced pork
100g lard
1 onion
Fresh hot pepper
1tsp powdered sweet paprika
0,5dcl carbonated water
50g bacon
50g gauda cheese

In a large bowl squeeze and mix meat well using your hands, add salt to taste, cover with plastic wrap and leave it overnight in the fridge. Finely dice the onion and slice the hot pepper. Cut the bacon into 1cm strips and cube the cheese into small pieces. Mix all ingredients with the meat then add carbonated water and squeeze and mix well using your hands once again. Cover and leave in the fridge till next day. Take the meat mixture and out of the fridge and form 2 patties, each about 2cm thick. Return to the fridge for another 30 minutes. 


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